What does it mean to be a member?

Our members represent entities that share the same vision as us: to bring meaningful change to the community through digital innovation. These members are the central pillars of our community and actively contribute alongside us to achieve our goals and drive digital development.

Eligibility criteria

Area of ​​activity

The new member should work in digital innovation or a related field such as information technology, software development, artificial intelligence, internet of things, blockchain or robotics, etc.

Growth potential

The new member should have a business model with potential for growth and expansion. We routinely seek members capable of bringing significant innovation to their industry and delivering outstanding economic and social benefits.

Expertise and skills

The new member should have a team with relevant expertise and skills in the field of digital innovation. Teams with experience and solid knowledge in digital technologies, business and product development are valued.

Innovative services

The new member should develop an innovative product or service with significant added value in its field. It is important that the new member has a unique selling proposition and offers innovative solutions.

Engagement and Collaboration

Active involvement in the cluster community, participation in events, mentoring and collaboration are important aspects to fully leverage the benefits of being part of a cluster.

Financial viability

The new member should have a solid business plan and demonstrate financial viability to develop and survive in the long term. This may include obtaining seed funding or having a stable income.


Contribution to Digitization

Through your active involvement, you will make a significant contribution to the digitization process of our region, contributing to the development of a booming digital culture.

Participation in Research and Innovation Projects

You will be invited to join our research and innovation projects, thus having the opportunity to contribute to future digital solutions and regional development.

Access to European Partners and Advanced Technologies

As a member, you will have access to a network of European experts and cutting-edge technologies, which will help you develop your skills and keep up to date with the latest digital trends.

Presentation of the Technical Solutions in the Portfolio

If you are a technology provider, you will have a platform to present your technical solutions portfolio to our members and potential partners.

Contribution to the Development of the Digital Ecosystem

If you are an ecosystem partner, you will be able to contribute with us to the development of the ecosystem and to the facilitation of technology transfer from the university environment, to build a solid regional digital culture.

Members who have joined the cluster

Membership packages

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